Sunday, November 13, 2011

What a Weekend

Had a fantastically full and fun weekend. Lets like look at a list:
# 11/11/11 11 hour Wayang kulit (I went for about 4 hours) with 11 stories of Arjuna’s life, and a bunch of other things relating to the number 11. It was at Pak Purbo’s pendopo. Wayang kulit is like an endurance sport combined with storytelling, puppetry, and music. Endurance in that the dhalang (puppet-master) is talking, singing, cueing the musicians, and moving the puppets the entire time. He did make time to drink water and check text messages. The musicians also are sitting and playing the whole time, but they get to eat, drink tea, and smoke hella cigs. I ate 11 bananas and 11 mangoes in solidarity.
# Polish Independence party. Whoo party time. There were games snacks and upside-down Indonesian flags. Met a dude I want to talk to about combining gamelan and rock music.
# Went to Gunung (Mt.) Lawu. Saw two Candi – Hindu Temples. One from the 1400’s, one from 1500’s. Also stopped at a tea farm to admire the landscape. Going up the mountain was exciting. Its crazy how the whole mountain is “stepped” from farming in the past. Even really steep slopes. Seeing the changing climate and the farms on the side of the mountain were really cool! At the first temple my camera ran out of batteries. Whoops!
# Went to a double Javanese wedding. My friend Jody’s two cousins got married at the same time. Danced with a cross-dressing singer.
# Hip Hop festival in the park. Saw my new friend’s RATM cover-band perform. Made me nostalgic for America because the political/revolutionary subject matter reminded me of my friends in the occupy movement. Then it started raining REALLY HARD for like ten minutes. The show stopped and everyone ran for cover.
# Mankunegaran Latihan (gamelan practice at the palace)

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