Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Music Video!!

This is the music video for the song Coming Into Town off my album Feeling Into:

It was made by my friends Kirill and Michelle ( I think they did an amazing job getting the footage and making it work together. It turned out rad, ya?


While I was on the road on my bike tour in Washington DC, I also made a video for the song Always On:

Feeling Into

I think I forgot to mention my album I recorded on the blog. Whoops! Here is my announcement. 

For my latest batch of recordings, I've taken it back to the tascam 414, a 4track cassette recorder. It was nice to have to make decisions on the fly and work with other limiting factors that computers just can't provide. A good chunk of the songs were half written when I started, and were finished as I went. I'm pretty dang stoked on how it turned out. Enjoy: